One of the main benefits of cigar membership is the opportunity to build relationships with other cigar enthusiasts. Our members share a common passion for cigars, making it easy to connect and form lasting friendships.
You will have access to rare and unique cigars to enjoy in a private and comfortable environment.
We often host events and activities, such as cigar tastings, spirit pairings, celebrity birthday parties, and more. This is all included with your Sigaro Membership.
This membership level includes:
Cost: $600 per year/$900 for couples
Lifetime: $3,000*
Liquor Locker Add-On: Additional $100/year
This membership level includes:
Cost: $2,500 per year
Liquor Locker Add-On: Included
Become a lifetime member at Sigaro!
Cost: $3,000 for lifetime membership which includes all Level 1 privileges and free liquor locker.
After 5 years a $100/yearly maintenance fee per year must be paid in January.
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Friday, September 13th
15+ New Cigars
Meet Calvin Woods!